Abstract ESI-9454428 Carlsen Cornell Institute on Science and the Environment for Teachers This five year project proposes to provide education and training for 20 teachers each year in a three week workshop for a total of 100 teachers directly enhanced. An additional 100 teachers will be enhanced through secondary training at sites away from Cornell University by teams of the orignal teachers who have received up to six weeks of additional training. The education and training will be centered on aquatic systems. There will also be a series of academic year workshops on specific institute related topics. A requirement that teams of teachers develop and implement local projects will also be in place. The goals of the project are to 1) Strengthen the knowledge of secondary science teachers about environmentally related science; 2) Update teachers' skills in using appropriate scientific and pedagogical methods and tools; 3) Support a teacher leadership network; 4) Sponsor local curriculum projects that integrate the school sciences and explore science in its social context; and 5) Promote the use of original student experimentation il science teaching. This project has a cost share of 49% of the requested support from the Foundation.