The Mathematics through Technology and Internet Modules project (MTTIM) is in the area of Instructional Materials Development. Co-PI's Douglas A. Grouws and Lucy L. Payne will create six internet-based instructional modules and accompanying teacher guides for students in grades 5-8. The modules will use internet sites as a source of realistic, current data for students to use in classroom activities and investigations. The mathematics focus of the project materials includes exploratory data analysis, rates of change, proportional reasoning, and relationships among fractions, decimals, and percents. There will be a project focus on connecting mathematics to other disciplines such as science and social studies. The project materials will link to the NCTM Principles and Standards Initiative (Standards 2000) and the ISTE Standards. Connections will also be made with existing NSF-supported middle-school curriculum projects as well as other widely used middle-school mathematics materials. These materials are designed to supplement existing curricula. Co-PI's Douglas A. Grouws and Lucy L. Payne. NSF support - $774,732; cost sharing - $229,387.