City College of San Francisco (CCSF) is refining and testing their Bridge to Biotech Program. This program provides underserved students with the necessary background to enter the CCSF biotechnology certificate program, into entry-level jobs, and/or into internships, and later, to transfer to four-year institutions. CCSF developed and implemented Bridge to Biotech in response to community demand from two economically disadvantaged areas of San Francisco: Bayview Hunter's Point (African American) and the Mission (Hispanic/Latino). Bridge to Biotech is a semester-long program that integrates classes in three subject areas: biotechnology, language, and mathematics. Each of these courses reinforces the others. Students enroll in the three classes concurrently, visit local biotechnology companies to better understand the industry, and receive additional wrap-around services related to job success. The PI team is developing curriculum materials and an instructors' guide. In addition, they are beta testing the materials and program at Austin Community College and Santa Ana College.