The Tech Stars Scholarship program provides 29 scholarships annually to financially needy, academically talented students in the Pee Dee area of South Carolina and helps them to complete associate degrees (with the option of transferring to a four-year program) in computer science, computer technology, and engineering technology. Diverse cohorts of talented students are being recruited from high schools, the college student population, and from the community. Extensive student support services are being offered including on-campus child care, tutoring, industry internships, and open and staffed computer laboratories. In addition the project is providing mentoring, off-campus access to technology, recognition of success, and academic, personal, and career-related assistance.
The Tech Stars Scholarship program fosters diversity. At least 50% of scholarships are being awarded to African American students and 50% to female students. Through enhanced student support services and industry involvement, 100% of Tech Stars are being retained through graduation. Of those who graduate, 100% who desire enrollment in a four-year institution are being assisted with the transfer process. Career awareness and job placement assistance ensure that 100% of graduates who want to enter the workforce will be employed in jobs related to their major within 3 months of graduation.
Intellectual Merit: The project employs research-based strategies for improving student success. The work of the NSF-funded SC ATE Center of Excellence in recruitment and retention of students for technology majors informs this plan and helps ensure success. Special Tech Stars initiatives address career awareness, access to technology, and women in technology to ensure student involvement, nurturing, and recognition.
Broader Impact: The project is developing successful models for helping ensure the success of first-generation college students, African Americans and females in technology-based majors. The SC ATE National Resource Center is publishing outcomes of the project and successful models for national access and use.