This project establishes ten four-year scholarships for financially needy students who intend to major in one of the following disciplines: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Science (Science track only), Mathematics, and Physics.
Intellectual Merit: Recruitment activities focus especially on two populations: students from the Appalachian areas of Eastern Kentucky, and African-American students in urban Kentucky areas and in other areas with which the College has institutional ties. Students are selected on the basis of academic potential, work ethic and family support, as indicated by high school GPA, standardized test scores, application essays, letters of reference and personal interviews. Support services include a special summer Bridge Course prior to the freshman year; faculty mentoring; peer-led Help Sessions for lower-level courses; summer research support; opportunities to present research in campus-wide, regional and national venues; general enrichment activities associated with the College's Academic Honors Program (admission to which is required in order to receive the scholarship); participation in a "Give Back" program of volunteer service (especially tutoring, mentoring for younger children) in the local community, with opportunities to reflect on one's experience of this work and on one's developing role as a communicator of science to society at large. Also, as part of the Honors Program, all scholars write a Senior Honors Thesis.
Broader Impacts: The College already provides a rigorous education to students of a wide range of academic preparation, including first-generation college students from rural areas. Scholarships allow the College to reach more deeply into populations which it currently serves, and to reach new populations.