This Department of Chemistry is purchasing a high field FT-NMR spectrometer with 13C and 1H resonance capabilities for use in the improvement of the undergraduate chemistry curriculum. A particular effort is made to integrate the theory learned in formal courses with the undergraduate student research program. The basic principles and practice of 13C and 1H FT-NMR spectrometry are first introduced in the sophomore Organic Chemistry Laboratory courses where students personally use the new instrument to determine organic structures. The junior- senior laboratory courses (Physical Chemistry, Analytical Biochemistry, and Instrumental Analysis) center on the technical aspects of fourier transform methods and the applications of 13C NMR alongside 1H NMR spectroscopic techniques for quantitative measurements of chemical systems. Specific NMR experiments include the determination of equilibrium constants, thermodynamic properties, pka values, and substituent constants; and studies on enzyme kinetics, stereospecific reactions, hydrogen exchange rates, and reaction mechanisms. The use of the 13C/1H FT-NMR spectrometer also enhances the quality and quantity of student independent research which is an important component of the curriculum.