9352083 Armstrong Brigham Young is developing an environment both physically and pedagogically which will bring the capabilities of technology into direct and frequent contact with large numbers of calculus students. The vision is to involve a specific, well planned, well organized and well managed computer lab component into the two different reformed calculus settings as well as the traditional calculus setting which currently exist at BYU. The plan involves student centered projects in calculus which will be carried out regularly (weekly) but independently of the students' particular course enrollment. The pedagogical portion of the plan involves designing, producing, and cataloging of well thought out, insight provoking projects which can be implemented through technology. In addition to the hardware and software (projects), they are training a cadre of dedicated and intelligent teaching assistants who are assisting students in the laboratory setting in ways consistent with the instructional aims of the mathematics programs. A large number of the calculus students at Brigham Young are mathematics education majors. A primary goal of the project is for prospective teachers to be exposed directly to examples of the best pedagogy in the use of technology. In particular, they will implement the NCTM standards on the use of technology in the mathematics classroom in their calculus classes. It is planned for all prospective teachers to take one of the reform calculus courses. ***