9354440 Roy This project responds to a documented national need for enhanced expertise in the area of materials synthesis and processing by developing two courses on ceramic materials synthesis. The courses consist of lectures by eminent scholars in the field of materials science and engineering which are videotaped. The videotapes are available to other institutions, and each course features a weekly one-hour call-in period for students to ask questions of the lecturer. The videotapes are also to provide continuing education to faculty members who act as tutors at remote sites where the courses are offered. This approach is significant for faculty enhancement in fields where there is an identified shortage of faculty with adequate expertise in the field. This is true both of ceramics in general and ceramic materials synthesis in particular. In addition to the videotapes, the tutors and students receive copies of overhead transparencies, scripts, homework problems and solutions, and examinations. The videotapes and instructional materials are disseminated by the Materials Education Council located at the Pennsylvania State University.