This project is designed to introduce all lower-division chemistry students to the use of computers early in the curricula and continue using them for data acquisition and analysis as well as for computer assisted instruction (CAI). Twelve Macintosh SE computers are being removed from the existing department network and used in the laboratory with Vernier Serial Box Interface kits for data acquisition. Twelve new Macintosh Quadra 630s are replacing the SEs on the network. Upgrading the network provides students access to computers powerful enough to run new statistical software to be used for data analysis and simulation and to additional Internet services. CAI software is also available on the network. The success of the project is being measured by student and instructor evaluations comparing interfaced versus non-interfaced laboratory exercises and by student and instructor evaluations of the CAI and statistical software. In addition to publications and conference presentations, the investigators are holding a series of workshops on computer interfaced laboratory exercises for local high school and middle school science teachers and also for at-risk high school students.