The University of South alabama and Tuskegee University will conduct 2 workshops to train 20 faculty from two and four year institutions to use a cognitive-based approach to curriculum development, as applied to Introductory Computer Science Courses." This project will act as a major dissemination of the results of a previously awarded CCD. The 1st week long workshop will be held during the summer 1996, consisting of 3 major activities. First, the participants will study the cognitive based process using: the Bloom taxonomy (levels of learning), Bruner's spiral approach to earning, Soloway's problem solving heuristics and code templates, collaborative learning in structured labs (as described by Webb), and system theory to provide frequent feedback and control of this learning process. The second activity will be to use this knowledge to study the materials developed from the CCD project. After the needed background has been developed, application to curriculum issues will be covered. The third and final activity will be the use of this material to develop similar material for the participants home institution. As follow-up, 2 forums will be used; a suitable national forum (eg. SIGCSE-97), and a weekend workshop to beheld at Tuskegee University in the Spring 1997. The participants for these workshops will be selected from applications, received as a result of public announcements. Every attempt will be made to select faculty from diverse institutions, and to include a minimum of 25% participation from HBCUs.