This two-week summer workshop focuses on undergraduate faculty enhancement in computer networks. Twenty computer science and engineering faculty from small colleges/universities will be exposed to state-of-the-art developments in computer networks, with emphasis on LANs, WANs, and emerging networking technologies. During a typical day of the workshop, time is equally divided between discussions on network concepts and theory, and laboratory assignments involving various implementations of protocols and network designs. Each participant maintains a complete notebook consisting of lecture notes, quizzes/exams, and laboratory assignments for possible use in future network courses at the home institution. Michigan State University network facilities, including the Computer Science Department's High-speed Networking Research Laboratory, will be available to participants for workshop related activities. As a follow-up of the proposed project, a quarterly newsletter will be available to participants via the Internet. Participants will attend SIGCSE99 and have an opportunity to share experiences. Experts on computer networks will be available to participants throughout the workshop.