Over the past three years, 32 chemistry faculty from Iowa's community colleges, private colleges, and regents universities have participated in the Iowa General Chemistry Network (IGCN). They have helped each other develop and implement a variety of instructional strategies and techniques. This adapt/adopt project allows members of the IGCN to continue reform of their undergraduate chemistry courses and curriculum. The project is a collaborative effort among members of the IGCN and four of the existing initiatives in the Systemic Changes in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum program. The following components were identified for implementation in IGCN institutions: instructional modules (University of California-Berkeley), Conceptual Questions and Modern Materials (Wisconsin-Madison), Peer Teaching - Workshop Chemistry (City College of New York), and Guided Inquiry Labs - Theme Based Approach (Beloit College). Faculty from IGCN institutions are adapting components from one or two of the above initiatives. Members share their experiences and based upon these experiences, the most promising components are being incorporated into other participating members courses. Participating members use the IGCN state-wide fiber optics two-way audio and visual system to implement adaptation and to conduct meetings among faculty from member institutions. In addition, summer workshops conducted by leaders from the systemic change projects are assisting IGCN faculty members in adapting the targeted components. This continuous forum for communicating and working among all participants is facilitating reform of introductory chemistry courses. Both formative and summative evaluations are designed to provide meaningful assessment. The goal of this project is to involve students more actively in understanding important chemical concepts. The project also serves as a model for regional collaborative efforts to improve learning in chemistry through adapting the results of the major chemistry initiat ives to a variety of local environments.