The project equips introductory and advanced biology laboratories with the instrumentation necessary to conduct experiments in molecular biology, microbiology, and modern genetics. Experience in DNA isolation, genetic testing, gene cloning, PCR, nucleic acid hybridization, phage genetics, and E. coli culturing and transformation enables students to understand molecular biology and biotechnology from a practical perspective. A number of laboratory exercises include Internet research. The revised laboratories impact not only all biology majors but also non-majors who elect to take biology to fulfill a laboratory science requirement. The educational goals of the project are four fold: 1) to improve scientific literacy in non- and biology majors; 2) to attract education and other majors to investigating additional laboratory courses in biology; 3) to attract and improve the retention rates of those students traditionally underrepresented in the sciences; and 4) to provide biology majors with the academic and technical background required for successful transfer to four year schools or for employment as technicians. The laboratory exercises are designed to encourage critical thinking and to provide hands-on experience within the framework of a small team. Modules are integrated so that concepts and practices learned in introductory laboratories are reinforced in advanced laboratories. In addition, students at the branch campus (located in downtown Trenton) engage in laboratories that emphasize experimentation, rather than observation of computer simulations.