We propose to use 30Q MHz NMR in the undergraduate curriculum of three widely separated campuses in Alaska. This instrument will replace a 90 MHz instrument, which is currently the only functional NMR within the State of Alaska. The Chemistry Department at the University of Alaska Fairbanks will incorporate the NMR into five existing laboratory courses; four of which have not previously had a NMR component in them due to present instrument limitations. In addition, a new capstone senior-level course will be developed to focus on structure determinations. The instrument will also be used in the undergraduate research program that is required of all chemistry majors. Students at the Anchorage and Southeast campuses will use the instrument in at least our courses, taking advantage of the instrument's networking capabilities and the existing computer network in the State. This proposal supports NSF core strategies of strengthening the physical infrastructure and developing intellectual resources in undergraduate education as well as the University of Alaska's strategic plan of being a leader in arctic research and education.