This Proof-of-Concept proposal is to develop two, four-week sample modules that are intended to demonstrate the feasibility of materials. The modules are from two mathematics courses designed for the preparation of elementary school teachers. These courses are part of a successful "study-in-one discipline" program that results in over one-third of University of Illinois Chicago (UIC)'s elementary education majors graduating with a specialization in teaching mathematics. Each module is also closely linked to nationally-recognized instructional materials developed at UIC with NSF support. The modules will be used to help lay the groundwork for development of the full proposal, including recruitment of field test sites and a publisher.
Two modules are being developed and field tested at UIC over a one year period beginning in summer 2000. The first module is focusing on integrating mathematics and science and is building from materials developed by the Teaching Integrated Mathematics and Science (TIMS) Project. This module will be developed in summer 2000 and field tested during the fall semester. The second module, which focuses on geometry and geometric measurement, is associated with materials developed by the UIC Maneuvers with Mathematics (MWM) Project. This module is being developed during the Fall 2000 and will be field tested in the spring semester. Each module includes student text materials, assessment materials, and instructor's guides-all prepared in CD-ROM format. In addition to their use as a prototype for the larger development proposal, the modules are being written so that they can be disseminated as standalone units in mathematics teacher preparation courses.