This NSF grant will upgrade and renovate an aging Cameca SX50 Electron Microprobe Laboratory (EMPL) at the University of Oklahoma (OU). Our instrument was installed in 1988; it was the third such machine in North America. The instrument has been partially upgraded on two previous occasions, but more frequent hardware malfunctions and aging of key components dictate the need for a complete renovation of the instrument to ensure the continued operation of the laboratory. These upgrades will improve the reliability of the instrument and the quality of imaging and x-ray signals. The facility serves researchers sponsored by NSF and other Federal agencies, undergraduate and graduate students at OU and other regional universities and colleges, and the private sector including individuals and large companies. The EMPL contributes to the economic development of the state by making high-quality analytical services available to the private sector at very competitive cost. Instrument usage has averaged approximately 200 hrs/month since inception in 1989 with minimal down time. The EMPL is well supported by an annual base budget from the Office of the Vice President of Research (OVPR) at OU, and the OVPR has committed additional funds to ensure the success of this upgrade endeavor.