The objective of this research is to design networked underwater acoustic transceivers to achieve high network throughput and high reliability for shallow water sensor networks. The approach is to maximize the power and bandwidth efficiency through a joint power allocation and diversity (JPAD) optimization method combined with adaptive medium access control (MAC) and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) schemes. The research is integrated with education and outreach through two new courses that bridge curricula gaps between networking and communications and between signal processing and circuit design, student training for underwater research, and collaboration with the Women's Leadership Institute and the Summer Research Academy at the Missouri University of Science and Technology.
With respect to intellectual merit, this project contributes to boosting network capacity and reliability for underwater communications through two major paradigm shifts: optimization with practical discrete inputs rather than idealized Gaussian inputs to improve transceiver design and using joint power-allocation and diversity matrices instead of scheme using only adaptive power allocation. The design methodologies developed for underwater communications in this project should also be applicable to radio frequency (RF) communication.
With respect to broader impact, the project has the potential to advance the development of underwater sensor networks and enhance capabilities for environmental monitoring, disaster prevention, offshore exploration, and surveillance. The education and outreach activities help to train the next generation of researchers, increase the participation of women and other students from underrepresented groups, advocate responsible engineering approaches for reducing sound pollution in oceans, and educate the general public about the impact of acoustic communications and sensor networks in aquatic environments.