The objective of this research is to develop low cost/low complexity integrated phased arrays to meet the demand of the emerging applications in civilian communications and sensors. The approach is to investigate new phased array design methodologies based on employing only a single phase shifter.
Intellectual Merit: The research involves investigation of fundamentally different circuit topologies for the design of integrated phased arrays. These phased array systems will employ a single true-time-delay phase shift element and will be integrated on silicon. Integrated phased arrays to be developed under this project are expected to be broadband, consume low power, and occupy a small die area. The research has the potential to significantly facilitate commercialization of phased array antennas by making them amenable to integrated circuit design.
Broader Impacts: Low cost integrated phased arrays can impact various areas of electronic communications including smart antennas, multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems, imaging radars and mobile multimedia services. Spatial selectivity of phased array beams can significantly increase the channel capacity of gigabit wireless personal communication systems. This project will serve to educate graduate students through direct participation in the research. The research is of particular value for students to become experts in high frequency integrated circuit design, antennas, electromagnetic simulation, circuit and system design and measurement. This project will involve undergraduate students through the University Research Opportunity Program (UROP) and the Marian Sara Parker Scholars (MPS) Program at the University of Michigan.