Research Objectives and Approaches The objective of this research is to combine thin film inorganic and organic solar cells for higher conversion efficiencies (>15%) and better stability. The approach is to utilize a multiple gap arrangement of inorganic and organic thin film cells, coupled with a novel photonic-plasmon structure.
Intellectual Merit: 1. A multiple-gap cell arrangement to harvest the solar spectrum. 2. An inorganic layer as the first, high-gap cell, to remove the damaging ultraviolet and blue photons. 3. The use of a novel periodic photonic-plasmon structure, designed using rigorous scattering-matrix simulation, to optimize photon absorption. 4. The use of organic materials with long wavelength absorption 5. The use of stable contact and hole and electron-transport materials 6. Unique measurement apparatus and analysis for degradation under varying intensities, light spectra and controlled atmosphere. 7. Utilizing easily scalable, roll-to-roll (R2R) nano-imprinting techniques for photonic-plasmonic structures.
Broader Impact: The technology can be easily transferred to manufacturing using R2R techniques. The solar panels can be molded into the structures of buildings or onto windows. The project will educate graduate and undergraduate students, mentor a post-doctoral scientist, and recruit minority and women students. The research will be incorporated into a new PV course at Iowa State. The solar cells, and a demonstration movie, will be exhibited at the Des Moines Science Center. Simple kits to build organic cell devices will be developed for high school students. An industrial company, Lightwave Power, is the GOALI partner and they will develop manufacturing techniques.