This three year REU Site program will expose ten undergraduate students each year to basic concepts in the emerging field of multiscale science and engineering and will provide them with intensive hands-on research experience. The students will have an opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary environment with a range of mentors (faculty, post docs and graduate students) on projects ranging from material processing, fabrication and testing, microfluidic and MEMS devices, nanoindentation and atomic force measurements, to introduction to design algorithms for nano-macro-structured materials, molecular dynamics, dislocation dynamics, mesoscale analyses for deformation and flow in nano and macro structures.
Students will participate in a weekly forum where they will give short overviews/updates of their projects and develop their oral technical communication skills. They will also participate in a joint activity with the NSF sponsored Engineering Education Research Center (EERC) to gain exposure to another emerging area of engineering research. The participants will disseminate the results of their independent research projects in a campus wide poster session.