9319764 Yao The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) proposes to conduct, during FY 1994 96, a cooperatively funded Education Improvement Project, including an Evaluation, three Workshops, a Conference, and preparation of Reports to disseminate findings, relative to past, current, and future changes in education affecting civil engineering and related specialties/disciplines. The project will have the following purposes: 1. ` ` Evaluate the outcomes of recommendations made over the past fifteen years at ASCE education conferences. 2. ` ` Prepare a Baseline Assessment and Evaluation Report, communicating the findings to the organizations funding this Project and to participants in the Workshops and Conference described below, for their use during deliberations. 3. ` ` Conduct Workshops on curriculum innovation, quality management, and the interface between education and practice, bringing together limited numbers of highly qualified practitioners and educators so as to: ` ` o Review, evaluate and improve the civil (and civil related) engineering curriculum. ` ` o Propose strategies to strengthen interaction among educators, students, and practitioners. ` ` o Forecast characteristics of civil engineering leaders of the future and suggest ways to educate young engineers in developing these characteristics. ` ` o Review and evaluate the potential for a continuous quality improvement process within civil engineering education. ` ` o Propose alternative strategies for implementation of recommendations. 4. ` ` Prepare a workshop report, an "Agenda for Implementation," highlighting key issues and presenting alternatives, options, and implementation strategies, so as to provide the funding organizations with insightful evaluations of current proposals in engineering education, while also facilitating discussion by a larger audience at the subsequent Conference. 5. ` ` Conduct a National Conference, (funding for which is not part of this proposal), using the deliberations and reports above, which will bring together a large number of leaders in civil engineering education, from both academia and practice, to learn, advise, and subsequently assist in implementing the alternatives and options under discussion. 6. ` ` Prepare and disseminate widely a succinct concluding Project Report and Implementation Strategies, with recommendations and alternative implementation strategies. ***