9424177 Spina An REU Site in the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Manufacturing Engineering at Syracuse University is proposed. The proposal will focus on fluid dynamics, including experimental, theoretical, and computational projects. The program will be conducted during a 12-week period in the summer. Ten participants will be chosen, with at least seven from schools other than Syracuse University. A strong commitment is made to recruit groups that have traditionally been underrepresented in engineering and students from universities where research is not emphasized. Before starting individual projects, each student will attend an intensive one-week training program that will address basic research techniques. In addition to one-on-one interaction with a faculty mentor, a complementary program of activities is planned to enhance the professional development of each participant. Among scheduled activities are a workshop on professional writing, a lecture on public speaking, and presentations on the role of fluid dynamics research in industry by invited speakers. In addition, a 3-day workshop on ethical-decision making will be included in the program . This workshop will be conducted by an expert in the area of ethics and technology. Finally, participants will also prepare a written research proposal, a final written report and make oral presentations of proposed work and final results. ***