The National Nanofabircation Facility (NNF) at Cornell University has, in its first twelve years, provided an outstanding research environment for thousands of graduate students and visiting scientists from universities, government laboratories and industry throughout the country. Through this REU Site Project, the faculty, the director and the full-time staff of the NNF, will give undergraduate students an introduction to this field of science and engineering and an opportunity to experience this research environment. The selection process will bring bright young undergraduate students, including minorities, to the Cornell campus for nine weeks to participate in a variety of research projects related to microfabrication. They will meet and work with graduate students and faculty members, attend a short course on the practical aspects of microfabrication, and observe firsthand the interaction of the several disciplines that must come together for the successful completion of research in this field. This is intended to stimulate student interest in nanofabrication and contribute to the availability of trained professionals in this high technology area of science.