9320420 Bhattacharya This award is for the purchase of eight workstations and one multiprocessor workstation to act as a server, all to be connected by a communication network. This cluster of workstations will be dedicated to support several research projects, including: (1) distributed test generation and simulation for digital VLSI and ULSI circuits, (2) distributed algorithms for MCM (multichip module) design and test, (3) distributed ATPG and simulation algorithms for mixed-signal and analog circuits, and (4) high-level optimization tools for interactive architectural support. The underlying task in each of these four projects will be to develop efficient parallel algorithms for various graph problems such as tree search, bipartite matching, single-source shortest-paths and minimum-cost flow. The research will provide extensive empirical evaluation of parallel algorithms for graph problems. In addition to exploring parallelism in fundamental computer science problems, the proposed research is expected to have a significant impact on current design and test methods for digital, analog, and mixed-signal circuits. Specifically, the research will alleviate the confinement of these methods to uniprocessor machines. Moreover, by focusing on distributed processing and networked workstations, the research efforts will lead to techniques that are fully compatible with the existing computing environment of most commercial and academic establishments. *** 9320420 Bhattacharya This award is for the purchase of eight workstations and one multiprocessor workstat ion to act as a se U _ P U $ $ $ G ? U ? _ U Times Symbol " Helvetica Chicago Times New Roman & Arial 5 Courier New R ZapfDingbats Palatino Greek GenMath MathMeteor MT Extra " # e# e : Bhattacharya/Yale Mark Purvis Mark Purvis