PI: William B. Delauder
Delaware State University (DSU) will implement comprehensive approaches to strengthen the institution's undergraduate science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education and research infrastructure. The University will use NSF support to provide: (i) a Pre-Freshman Summer Program that will assist students in the transition from high school to college and provide a solid academic foundation for success in gatekeeper courses; (ii) faculty mentoring that will initiate STEM students into a culture of learning; (iii) undergraduate research opportunities at DSU, other universities, industry, and national laboratories; (iv) curriculum reform and enhancement to emphasize investigative, hands-on approaches in science and math courses and to encourage the development of inter-disciplinary courses; (v) faculty development; (vi) development and implementation of an electronic early warning system and expert advising system to identify at-risk students in gatekeeper classes early in the semester; (vii) modern instructional delivery systems in the classroom; and, (viii) a Science Resource Center to provide peer tutor-mentoring, group study, workshops and seminars, and bridging initiatives to address the transitions to graduate school or to the STEM workforce.