SSC-9450348 Cal State L.A. Univ. Los Angeles, CA Cobb, Jewel "Residential Intensive Math and Science Academy" Residential Intensive Math and Science Academy (RIMSA) is a 4-week residential program aimed at underrepresented seventh grade students in Los Angeles. The Academy will serve 50 students by offering math, science, computers and expressive writing for curricular enrichment. Academic monitoring and follow-up will occur through 8 Saturday Academy sessions. The program will offer an intensive experience for students who attend school on year- round calendars and cannot participate in a traditional summer program. The curricular focus will be mathematics, scientific inquiry, hands-on science, computer application, and creative expression. Students will be recruited primarily from ACCESS Center pipeline schools representing low SES minority student populations. Faculty will be recruited from math, science and/or equivalent Education and computer science departments at CSU Los Angeles and schools in the ACCESS pipeline. A Program Director also serving as the outreach coordinator will administer the program and ensure active parent participation. ***