SSC-9450535 U of NC Greensboro Greensboro, NC Goldfarb, Allan, Thomas Martinek and Dennis Quick "The UNCG Summer Sport Science Camp" Funding is sought to support a four week, non-residential summer science camp for middle school children of undeserved populations with demonstrated potential for leadership in sports who have yet to demonstrate the same potential for science or math. By showing how science and math can be used to improve sport performances, investigators hope to capitalize on the popularity of sports as a vehicle for establishing scientific concepts and as a tool for motivating students to study both science and math. A total of 48 students from 16 schools in the North Carolina region served by University of North Carolina Greensboro, known as the Piedmont Triad region will be served by this program. Science, mathematics and physical education teachers from each school will participate in intensive laboratory activities designed to teach basic concepts about exercise physiology and sport biomechanics, along with various physical activities designed to integrate performance with science and math. Teachers will attend a five day precamp workshop as preparation. Teachers and the principal investigators will work together to design sport science experiences for the schools' science clubs. Students who were initially enrolled in the camp will be brought back to the University's laboratories for special enrichment activities during the academic year. This project builds on experience gained in a 1992 sport science camp designed for high school students that was funded through the NSF-funded Statewide Systemic Initiative Program. ***