9553423 Green The phenomenon of science/math avoidance closes off chances for future career choices and diminishes earning potential for young women, especially for Hispanic females. To reverse this trend, the Engineering/Science/Mathematics Increases Job Aspirations Program (ES.MIJA) proposes to target 60 Hispanic girls in the sixth grade who have not made plans to pursue higher level courses in science or mathematics. Through an educational partnership with the University of Texas at San Antonio/Alliance for Education, Harlandale Independent School District in San Antonio, Texas, and the business community, Intercultural Development Research Association (IDRA) will provide a support system that will promote Hispanic girls' continuing participation and achievement in advanced science and mathematics courses and increase their career opportunities. The program seeks to achieve this goal through four components: (a) curriculum, (b) instruction, (c) professional development and technical assistance, and (d) support from a number of sources, including parents and businesses. IDRA also will be collaborating with the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA)/Alliance for Education, as appropriate, in increasing awareness of engineering, science and math in this population through mechanisms such as UTSA's annual Expanding Your Horizons Conference. IDRA and ES.MIJA also will be working with UTSA on the San Antonio NSF-funded Urban Systemic Initiative. ***