This award supports the PI and students from Harvard University, in a collaboration with Manfred Kappes of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Karlruhe, Germany. Through the collaboration, the researchers will study the structural properties of nano-sized metal clusters using electron diffraction on cluster ions stored in ion quadrupole traps. The US and German groups will correlate structural properties measured for gold, silver, copper, and indium clusters of varying size with their melting temperature. The added capabilities of the German lab will be indispensable to understanding the unique temperature dependence of the structure of nano-sized metal clusters, and essential for the design and application of new structures based on the chose class of materials. This award enhances the collaboration between two strong cluster science groups with complementary expertise and capabilities.
The project also advances international human resources through the participation of graduate students and post-doctoral fellows, thereby contributing to the development of a globally engaged work force.