The primary objective of this three-year U.S.-Yugoslav cooperative research project in theoretical nuclear physics between Ivo Slaus of the Rudjer Boskovic Institute and R.L. Walters, Duke University, Bernard Nefkens, UCLA, is to continue collaboration on variety of pheneomena addressing nuclear interactions and structure of atomic nuclei. The reseachers will study: (1) nuclear interactions and three nucleon (atomic particles) force; (2) symmetries and charge symmetry violation; (3) mechanism of nuclear processes; and (4) quark degrees of freedom through studying dibaryon resonances. Past collaboration has been quite successful. Most of the experimental work will be pursued in the U.S. laboratories. This project was approved by the U.S.-Yugoslav Joint Board on Cooperation in Science and Technology and is funded through a joint fund consisting of matching contributions from the U.S. and Yugoslav governments. The U.S. contribution is provided annually by the Department of State. No NSF funds are involved. Grants are made to the principal Yugoslav institute. Dollar funds are included for U.S. scientist travel to Yugoslavia and for Yugoslav scientists' living expenses in the U.S.