This award will support a cooperative research project in "Theoretical and Phenomenological Studies in Elementary Particle Physics" between a group at the University of Hawaii at Manoa led by Professor Sandip Pakvasa and a group of Japanese scientists from the University of Tsukuba, the National Laboratory for High Energy Physics (KEK), and Tohoku University. Professor Yasuo Hara, Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba, is the leader of the Japanese group. Together the scientists will pursue joint investigations into areas of intense current activity in theoretical physics. One of the main topics will be studies of mixing, CP violation and rare decays of mesons. Related topics of interest are methods of calculation of weak decays with focus on chiral symmetry. Another class of phenomema to be studied is testing of gauge structure of electro-weak theories, extensions beyond the standard model, the nature of the symmetry-breaking mechanism, and the search for new particles. Many members of the U.S. and Japanese groups have collaborated in the past. Their studies will have implications for future high energy machines such as SSC and also the TeV Linear Colliders currently under study in Japan at KEK and at SLAC in the United States. The groups also have strong interest in neutrino masses, mixings and oscillations, and will study the implications of solar and atmospheric neutrino date of Kamiokande and other experiments for their implications, as well as neutrinos and axions in astrophysics and the early universe.