9313460 Glander The Duke University Primate Center, built in 1968, houses the largest and most diverse collection of prosimian primates in the world as well as the largest number of endangered primates. Many of the species housed at this center have thrived only at this facility. Therefore, this center operates as a research resource providing observational opportunities, cadavers of animals that expire at the end of their life-spans, and tissue and blood samples to scientists on a local, regional, national, and international level. In-house research is also conducted by faculty, staff members, visiting scientists, students, and post- doctoral fellows. Prosimians are important to primatology because they are "living fossils". They are the first primates to appear in the fossil record and provide clues about the earth's past environment. This award to Duke University will allow for the renovation of 86 enclosed outdoor runs at this primate center. This renovation will allow the facility to meet current university and USDA code requirements. The renovation to be undertaken will also dramatically and positively impact the quality and quantity of research and training opportunities by providing a safe and reliable environment for the animals. Finally, the renovations will increase opportunities for scientists and facilitate the implementation of an educational outreach program to area K-12 school children. ***