Xing, J; Heeger, D J (2000) Center-surround interactions in foveal and peripheral vision. Vision Res 40:3065-72
Best, M; Demb, J B (1999) Normal planum temporale asymmetry in dyslexics with a magnocellular pathway deficit. Neuroreport 10:607-12
Heeger, D J (1999) Linking visual perception with human brain activity. Curr Opin Neurobiol 9:474-9
Heeger, D J; Boynton, G M; Demb, J B et al. (1999) Motion opponency in visual cortex. J Neurosci 19:7162-74
Boynton, G M; Demb, J B; Glover, G H et al. (1999) Neuronal basis of contrast discrimination. Vision Res 39:257-69
Gandhi, S P; Heeger, D J; Boynton, G M (1999) Spatial attention affects brain activity in human primary visual cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 96:3314-9
Demb, J B; Boynton, G M; Best, M et al. (1998) Psychophysical evidence for a magnocellular pathway deficit in dyslexia. Vision Res 38:1555-9
Demb, J B; Boynton, G M; Heeger, D J (1998) Functional magnetic resonance imaging of early visual pathways in dyslexia. J Neurosci 18:6939-51
Tolhurst, D J; Heeger, D J (1997) Comparison of contrast-normalization and threshold models of the responses of simple cells in cat striate cortex. Vis Neurosci 14:293-309
Demb, J B; Boynton, G M; Heeger, D J (1997) Brain activity in visual cortex predicts individual differences in reading performance. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 94:13363-6
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