9313989 Whitmire This three-year award supports U.S.-France cooperative research in inorganic and organometallic chemistry between Kenton H. Whitmire, Rice University, and Jean-Yves Saillard, University of Rennes. The objective of their research is to perform experimental and theoretical studies on a class of large cobalt- bismuth cluster compounds, an organometallic cluster recently discovered by Dr. Whitmire's group. Large cluster compounds are important for studies on main-group and transition metals, and on separating molecules and solids. The U.S. investigator brings to this collaboration expertise in the synthesis and characterization of large bismuth cobalt clusters and in experimental studies of main group elements and transition metals. This is complemented by the French group's expertise in small organometallic cluster molecules and extended solid state structures, which are important to understanding bonding of these molecules. They have worked on methods for determining orbital structure for both organometallic cluster complexes and extended solid state arrays. This project will advance understanding of the formation of complex molecules of main group and transition metal atoms and their chemical reactivity. ***