This is a three year cooperative research project proposed by Dr. Wei-Feng Huang, University of Louisville, and Professor P.K. Tseng, National Taiwan University. This proposal is to develop a technique to characterize the internal surface of zeolite. It requests funds to support the P.I.'s travels to Taiwan and expenses of his U.S. industrial collaborator at United Catalysts Inc. for sample preparation. Dr. Wei-Feng Huang and his Taiwan collaborator (Prof. Tseng) are excellent researchers in this area. Dr. Huang has been productive and is highly regarded by his colleagues in positron annihilation research. The proposed collaboration is mutually beneficial. The U.S. principal investigator gains access to equipment that is not available to him on his campus and can provide his expertise in conducting the 2D-ACAR measurements. If this method proves to be successful, it could make a significant contribution to the chemical and petroleum industries, which utilize zeolite catalysts. This project is jointly supported by the NSF and the Taiwan National Science Council (NSC), which provides major support for laboratory operations. The modest support from the NSF in this case is extensively leveraged by the NSC.