9512748 Frantziskonis (PI) Meisner (co-PI) This award supports a 12 month Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Postdoctoral Fellowship for Dr. George Franziskonis (PI) and Mark Meisner (co-PI) , Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, University of Arizona to complete research at Saitama University, Saitama, Japan. Drs. Franziskonis and Meisner will work with Professor Eiichiro Tsuchida, professor in the Department of Engineering at Saitama University, on a research project entitled, "Mechanics of Failure in Metal Matrix Composites." The proposed research will consist of basic research to determine the fundamental factors governing the reliability of continuous fiber, metal matrix composites in aggressive, high temperature environments. Analysis will focus on certain metal matrix composites containing ductile metallic fiber-matrix interface layers. The principal modeled subject materials will be various phases blended titanium aluminide matrices reinforced with continuous fibers. Variables such as having ductile interface layers of refractory or noble metals will be modeled and investigated. The topics being investigated are currently relevant to the scientific community and the benefits to be obtained from collaborative research valuable. The Experimental Center for Engineering Materials at Saitama University and the Composite and Heterogeneous Materials Center at the University of Arizona are both excellent research facilities and their cooperation on this project -- considered by both parties to be the initial stage of a long term partnership - - will likely yield results for both the United States and Japan as well as the international scientific community as a whole. ***