9512857 Collins This award supports a three-year cooperative research project between George Collins, Colorado State University and Professor Shiro Sakai, Tokushima University. The investigators will explore the feasibility of fabricating light emitting diodes operating in the blue/UV spectral region using a new material, GaPN, grown by a new technique. They propose a study of GaPN because the suitability of AlGaN/InGaN devices for lasers is in some doubt due to the weak bond between In and N which causes quick device degradation at temperatures higher than 80 degrees Centigrade and at currents above 100 A/cm squared, both of which are required for injection lasers. Tokushima University is a world leader in GaN material growth, having already achieved over 100 micron thick high quality and well characterized GaN films on sapphire substrates. Dr. Sakai's group will be introduced to a new materials growth technique being pioneered at Colorado State University and as yet untried in the III-V Nitride arena. Hence, the investigators will exchange and transfer scientific knowledge through this international collaboration. ***