This three-year award supports continuation of a US-France cooperative research project on investment and technical changes in American and French industrial firms. This next phase will include data on firms in other major European economies. The collaboration involves Zvi Griliches at the National Bureau of Economic Research, Bronwyn Hall at the University of California, Berkeley and Jacques Mairesse and other researchers at the Group des Ecoles Nationales d'Economie et Statistique in France. The investigators will continue to: (1) develop determinants of firm-level investment and firm-level research and development; (2) model heterogeneous firm behavior using methods of estimation; and (3) measure capital utilization and its role in production at the firm level. The collaboration takes advantage of complementary expertise in France and provides access to large data sets in France and OECD countries. It will advance efforts to construct an international data set on industrial firms for comparative international studies.