This award supports Firdaus E. Udwadia, and up to ten other researchers to attend a workshop on Dynamics and Control to be held August 17-19, 1998 in Lambrecht, Germany. Special emphasis will be given to the topics of nonlinear dynamics, control of uncertain systems, and game theoretic approaches to solving current problems. U.S. participants will be chosen from a broad range of universities and geographic locales. The workshop will bring together experts, senior researchers and students from western Europe, eastern Europe, and the United States. This workshop answers a need for increased interaction in this field between scientists from the United States, western, and especially eastern Europe. It is also expected to lead to new collaborations between scientists from those areas. East European participants will be supported by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis; West European participants will be funded by the Humboldt Foundation; the cost for room and board for all participants will be paid by the Volkswagen Foundation.