This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project from Reifer Consultants, Inc. develops mathematical models to be used to size multi-media applications and estimate costs and schedules for web-enabled software development projects. As the business world moves to electronic commerce, more and more organizations are being powered by a web-enabled economy. Success in such an economy relies on the ability to accurately estimate and control costs and schedules. Accurate estimates enable returns on investment to be quantified and economic benefits to be computed. Unfortunately, existing software estimating tools do not provide the needed capability. The reason for this is simple; they fail to address the unique characteristics of web-based development projects. The research of Reifer Consultants, Inc, would fill the gap by collecting the data needed to calibrate and validate proposed size and estimating models that can be used to address the need for innovation in this area. The products of this research will be a validated mathematical model, prototype software estimating tool, and user test results that could serve as the basis of future product development and commercialization. This project will also investigate the market for aligned products and services and prepare a business plan for future developments.
The commercial applications of this research are software tools that managers and estimators can employ to accurately estimate the costs and schedules for web-enabled applications.