This Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project focuses on the development of new pharmaceutical agents to selectively enhance tumor imaging using gallium 67. A photo-degradation product of nifedipine, nitrosipine, has been found to selectively enhance the uptake of Ga67 by tumor cells. A specific derivative of nitrosipine has an even better selective uptake of the radioactive imaging agent. This project will synthesize and test other nitrosipine derivatives and determine the efficacy of Ga67 uptake in animal models using these complexing agents.
The commercial application of this technology is in the area of diagnostic imaging. The use of Ga67 in tumor imaging is currently very limited due to poor selectivity of the agent for tumor cells. Enhanced uptake in tumor cells relative to normal cells would expand the types of tumors that could be effectively imaged and possibly replace the more costly and complex PET scan imaging using radioactive fluorinated sugars.