Program Director's Recommendation Center for Integrative Materials Joining Science for Energy Applications (CIMJSEA) Proposal #1330273, 1330986
This proposal seeks funding for the Center for Integrative Materials Joining Science for Energy Applications (CIMJSEA) located at the Ohio State University, and Lehigh University. Funding Requests for Fundamental Research are authorized by an NSF approved solicitation, NSF 11-570. The solicitation invites I/UCRCs to submit proposals for support of industry-defined fundamental research.
The research described in this proposal will provide fundamental insights into the causes of reduced creep life in welds of modern superalloys that have severe crystallographic gradients (equiaxed and columnar), compositional gradients (microns to nm), and precipitate (0 to 80%) gradients. The ultimate goal is to develop the testing methodology that will feed the creation of digital "apps" that predict the creep response of welded structures. The ability to predict localized deformation in welds will accelerate the deployment of high temperature materials. Successful deployment will lead to higher energy efficiency of utilities and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
The results of this research will provide an important step to improve the understanding of the relatively poor joint properties. This will pave the way for developing solutions so that new materials can be used to their fullest capacity in future generation power plants. The research conducted along the way will also provide an opportunity to train engineers who will be prepared to address these complex problems in materials for energy applications. Potential benefits to member organizations include deployment of digital apps for welds, capable of predicting the local properties as a function of crystallographic, compositional and microstructural gradients.