The broader impact/commercial potential of this I-Corps VSTEP Digital Health project is to increase clinician efficiency and engagement with therapy for persons with neurological conditions such as post-stroke and with Parkinson Disease. Using off-the shelf hardware and custom software decreases cost both for equipment purchase and providing care. It also facilitates that clinics of all sizes can adopt innovative technology in treatment of patients. Customization of therapy may increase clinician productivity, enhance outcomes and decrease treatment time. Insights on patient and clinician performance can help clinics and insurance providers lower costs and provide better care. Societal impact may be achieved by providing an engaging therapy that increases socialization and decrease loneliness and most importantly increases activity and participation in society. The project will facilitate a decision about whether to pursue further development and commercialization of the technology.
This I-Corps project seeks to explore the commercial potential of The VSTEP Digital Health Platform which is an integrated solution for the comprehensive examination and treatment of balance, mobility, coordination and fitness deficits of persons with neurologic conditions. These deficits which occur frequently after neurologic diagnosis, persist when not treated and interfere with activity and participation in societal roles. The technology integrates motion and heart rate sensing with activity based engaging therapeutic games presented in a virtual environment. It also has an examination suite which uses standardized assessments that guide the therapeutic activities. Customization of the therapy ensures that the patient's goals are achieved and the clinicians? insights and reasoning for care are incorporated with the technology.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.