Among the many software engineering concepts developed to increase programmer productivity, one of the most promising and most sought after is reuse of existing, proven software. A general program, also referred to as the "archetyped source", can be adapted to a broad spectrum of specific situations. An example is a program for multi- sensor integration, which can be instantiated for various combinations of actual types of sensors. Ada and other high-level languages offer abstractions for writing general forms of programs; these are intended to be used by the programmer to adapt the program on a case-by-case basis. In this proposal, we show how a "tailoring" system can utilize abstractions in the programming language; it also allows the designer to formulate other abstractions in a metanotation for describing the general program and its specific forms. Thus the notion of an "archetyped source" can be quite powerful in the context of the derivation of application- specific "actual sources" from it. During the course of the Phase I project, they will use some existing application-specific software that AKM Associates built for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), define "archetyped source" version of it and the appropriate metanotation for generating actual source.