This travel support enables U.S.-based graduate students to attend the 26th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), held in Long Beach, California, USA, March 1-6, 2010 ( The ICDE conference has established itself as one of the prominent data and information engineering meetings. It addresses research issues in designing, building, managing, and evaluating advanced data-intensive systems and applications. As a leading international forum it provides for researchers, practitioners, developers, and users to present and explore cutting-edge ideas, exchange techniques, tools, and experiences and disseminate innovative, practical development experiences. The ICDE conference covers all aspects of data and information engineering that include, but are not limited to: query processing and optimization; data integration and interoperability; indexing and storage; systems and architectures; distributed, mobile and sensor databases; data and knowledge discovery; web applications; semi-structured data; social networks; privacy and security; scientific and spatio-temporal databases; etc.
The conference seeks to continuously advance the state of-the-art in data engineering and broaden its impact. This grant provides partial travel support and registration for 20 qualified U.S. based graduate student participants. The students will greatly benefit from attending this conference, as they will be able to present their work and make research collaboration connections. Work presented at ICDE gets high visibility; as the ICDE Proceedings are published by IEEE. The total number of ICDE participants in the past has been in excess of 500, with a majority of the participants from the U.S., then Europe and Asia. A strong representation of U.S.-based graduate students at ICDE is useful in maintaining U.S. competitiveness in these important research areas.