The International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) is the permier conference in Machine Learning. ICML encompasses topics on all facets of Machine Learning, and solicits papers on problem areas, research topics, learning paradigms, and approaches to evaluation. In addition to rigorously refereed conference papers, it features poster sessions, tutorials, workshops and invited talks. This award provides funds for travel scholarships for students from US institutions to help cover their travel and costs of attending the conference. The selection of students to be funded is based on a review by the selection committee of their financial needs and alignment of research areas. The student scholarships are very important for encouraging student participation in this premier conference and for shaping the future of the field as a whole. Special attention will be paid to broadening the participation of students from groups that are traditionally underrepresented in Computer Science in general and Machine Learning research in particular and students from institutions with limited Machine Learning expertise who would benefit from the opportunity to interact with researchers from around the world.
Attendance at the ICML represents a unique opportunity for students interested in Machine Learning research. The poster sessions at the conference are designed enable students to recieve feedback from leading Machine Learning researchers from around the world and to help them become part of the larger Machine Learning research community. The award contributes to the education and training of the next generation of researchers and educators in an increasingly important area. It also helps broaden the participation of underrepresented groups and women in Machine Learning research.