*** 9704451 The increasing importance of an annual meeting of researchers funded by the Interactive Systems Program of the National Science Foundation is underscored by a national agenda that views improved interfaces as vital to our Nation's economic competitiveness, that proposes universal access to the NII by every citizen, and that hopes to place computers in every classroom with network access. Attendees of the First Grantees Workshop (in November 1995) reported uniformly positive experiences. Researchers were delighted to meet and interact with colleagues working in related fields, and to learn first- hand about the research and challenges in each others' areas. The proposed venue for the Second Grantee Workshop is in Oregon from August 16th through August 18th, dates which have been found to be in minimal conflict with other meetings and which allow for economical pricing of rooms. The proposed workshop agenda will be developed by a steering committee, with feedback from participants of the last Grantee's Workshop. The paramount goals will be to foster fruitful exchange of ideas and to stimulate interaction among colleagues. The workshop will also produce an HTML document, modeled on the previous effort, which summarizes the different projects supported by the Interactive Systems Program.***