This proposal requests support for development of improved ocean bottom seismometers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. The proposed effort will increase the number of instruments available for shared-use research utilization by US academic researchers by 70, including ten new broadband instruments for long, normally passive deployments of a year or more, and sixty new instruments for active source projects, which normally require shorter deployments of a month or less. The proposal will also retrofit existing instruments with new seismometers and new dataloggers, and provide other upgrades to increase capabilities at the two instrument centers.
Broader Impacts
The OBSIP facilities provide an important shared-use capability for marine seismic researchers, enabling researchers without institutional seismometer resources to undertake cutting-edge research in marine seismology and geophysics. The upgrade and expansion of capabilities supported here will improve that capability, offering researchers and their students access to the tools needed to record earthquake signatures, to obtain structural data from active source experiments, and to undertake tomographic studies to expand our understanding of the earth's structure at a wide range of scales.