This study focuses on work in fluid dynamics problems related to ocean waves and the stability of ocean currents and eddies. Particular problems to be addressed under this aware will be hydrodynamic stability and chaotic phenomena, internal tides, tidal friction, and Modons. An early idea held that fluids become unstable in every more complex modes until they become turbulent in the stochastic sense. Recent developments in hydrodynamic stability use the techniques of strange attractors to show that the final state may termed "choatic", i.e., not stochastic, and in some sense determinestic. These techniques will be applied to the study of surface waves, tides, internal tides, reasonantly forced Rossby waves, and quasigeostrophic solitary waves in the ocean. These studies address problems of fundamental importance to the overall dynamics of ocean motion, and are likely to stir interest among many in the oceanographic community.