This research is to document seasonal succession of planktonic forams in a subtropical area influenced by seasonal upwelling and to identify those species which are "upwelling indicators". Also the investigator would compare the subtropical upwelling regions to equatorial and subpolar regions influenced by similar seasonal upwelling. The other aim of this research is to determine upwelling signals in the oxygen isotope record of various forams and then to compare such signals to signals in the sediment record. The area of investigation is northeast of Santa Catalina Island in San Pedro Basin (Off California). The research will also include integration of faunal and isotopic data from a variety of sources such as sediment traps, plankton tows, core tops etc. The results will have direct applications in marine geology, particularly in paleoceanography and will contribute to future GOFS projects. The PI is a well known scientist and the chance of a successful completion of this project is very high.